Cruising the Cairngorms in Comfort and Class

Usually, there are a few details that you would like to know when looking at a taxi site. Taxi number, contact details on occasion, and a possible indication of taxi fare costs. Well, you can calculate the exact fare of your proposed taxi journey with our taxi fare calculator. The variables of the price are determined by the day and time of travel. Midweek Tariff 1 is from 07:00 hrs weekday to 21:00hrs weekday. After 21:00 hrs and all weekend until 07:00 hrs Monday, the fare is charged at tariff 2 rate. There is also a £1.00 pickup fee if you are collected somewhere other than the taxi rank in Aviemore.
That’s it, Simples!

Calculate your Taxi Fare!

What's the Damage?


My Vehicle & Big Jock!

Luxury Class

Silver Volvo S90 R

At the moment, I have a single 4 passenger car. It is a luxury class Volvo S90 R Design with Polestar Engineering. It is very comfortable, always professionally presented, and driven by an experienced local taxi driver. You will be transported to your destination efficiently and safely, and hopefully arrive in a better frame of mind than when you started your journey. This is my aim, but not my guarantee


Booking your trip with us

We will guarantee to observe and practice the following:

Safety First

Safety of our passengers is our paramount consideration. We will always ensure that we drive to the rules of the road, always keep our eyes on the roads around us and never be distracted from the task in hand, which is to deliver you safely to your destination without worry or concern for the driver's driving abilities. Guaranteed.

Prices With No Surprises

Yes, we will never present hidden charges. Our taxi price calculator is accurate and this is the price you will pay and nothing more. Upfront and honest.

Comfort & Cleanliness

Our S90 Volvo ensures an extremely comfortable ride, smooth and quiet. We maintain a very high standard of cleanliness in our vehicle and it will be fresh smelling with no over powering car freshener products. guaranteed


Experience a new level of service with Gerry's Aviemore Taxis



Choice of vehicle

It is a long established fact that a reader will distracted by the readable content of a page.

Reliability & Experience

We strive to be punctual on every hire. There are very few occasions however when delays occur through various factors such as road incidents, prior pick up delays etc. We will always contact proposed passengers of any delays, should the need arise and inform of our ETA at your collection venue. We have been driving the roads in the Cairngorm National Park for many years and will always use the shortest most expedient routes to your destination. No longer, expensive routes taken with us. Guaranteed!

It is a long established fact that a reader will distracted by the readable content of a page.

Getting Affordable Price

It is a long established fact that a reader will distracted by the readable content of a page.



Reliability & Experience

We strive to be punctual on every hire. There are very few occasions however when delays occur through various factors such as road incidents, prior pick up delays etc. We will always contact proposed passengers of any delays, should the need arise and inform of our ETA at your collection venue. We have been driving the roads in the Cairngorm National Park for many years and will always use the shortest most expedient routes to your destination. No long expensive routes taken with us. Guaranteed!

Wanna chat about your journey on WhatsApp

I have included a floating WhatsApp utility on this site. Aimed primarily at our overseas visitors. Rather than email or expensive phone calls, proposed customer/passengers can contact me directly through WhatsApp (provided your phone number has a WhatsApp account) and I can reply directly to you. No phone call headaches and no formality of email communications. Of course, UK people can also contact me through WhatsApp, but calling on mobile is usually more convenient here.

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